Saturday, March 5, 2011

An't no Holla Back Girl

I never answer my house phone, but I was dancing around my living room this fine sunny Saturday when it rang so I thought “what the heck.”

I picked it up, said hello and this is what I heard:

“You have received a call from landmark telemarketers. All of our operators are now busy and cannot take your call. Our office hours are 9-6 EST and our number is (202) 555-1983. Thank you. Good-bye.

Are you serious? I want to know what marketing genius thought that was a good message to put on the playback. I realize they use a machine to dial and don’t expect people to pick up. But I can’t help but think “We called you but now can’t talk. You should call us back so we can sell you some crap” is just a waste.

Maybe its just me.